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Financial Planning Focused on Protecting Your Retirement. On-Going Guidance to Keep You on Track.

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Plan | Monitor | Protect

Forward Thinking

We specialize in helping retirement-conscious investors effectively plan so they can maximize their resources for their future benefit. 

Modern Tools

We use proven planning techniques and intelligent software to keep your plan on track through every stage of your retirement.

Clear Vision & Direction

After working with us you will know what you're doing, why you're doing it, and where it has the potential to lead you.

Blending Retirement Planning and Investment Management to Help You Live Well.

Pairing World-Class Service with Down-To-Earth Conversations.

What many people don’t expect when they work with us — we’re human too. We’ve all made our fair share of mistakes in this world; many of these mistakes helped us become the competent advisors we are today. Without these lessons, we would be left referencing textbook material and subjective news commentary, and that’s no way to run a business.

Our hope for every one of our clients is that after each meeting, you’ll feel more confident and rest assured that your money is here to be an engine of opportunity.

Mike Kilpatrick Photo Mike Kilpatrick Hover Photo

Mike Kilpatrick

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Mike Kilpatrick has been providing sound financial advice to individuals and businesses for over 35 years.

The youngest of 12 kids, and raised on a small farm in Boulder, CO., Mike's upbringing played a major role in shaping his career in finance. 

Mike is dependable, hard working, great with numbers, loves conversing with friends and clients, and always has a smile. 

His work ethic came from the example both his parents set for him — his father worked full time for the government plus managed a farm, and his mother reared twelve children in addition to being a school teacher for a number of years. Mike will say he got his brain for numbers from his dad, who "developed and patented a radar system, the High Frequencey Directional Finder, which was instrumental in tracking down German U-boats and locating downed U.S. pilots..." (Denver Post, June 17, 2004). Then Mike's smile and joy for conversation most certainly came from his mother, who somehow managed to always stay engaged and positive in the midst of successfully raising her small army of children. 

In college, Mike attended Metropolitan State College in Denver, where he studied computer science and business administration. 

Through life's circumstances, Mike eventually ended up in California working in the Grocery business. And it was during this time that he was "discovered."  As business men and women would walk through his line, on more than one occasion they would comment on how much they enjoyed chatting with him, suggesting his natural skillset as a people-person would serve him well in the business world. Mike took this to heart and decided to reply to an employment opportunity he found in the local newspaper.  The position was for an entry level financial planner with a company called IDS. Mike nailed the interview, passed his licensing exams, and the rest is history. He successfully built his business from the ground up to what it is today. 

Now Mike owns and operates Kilpatrick Financial Group. He holds the Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®) designation, which he obtained from the American College. He is licensed to consult on a variety of investment and insurance related products, and specializes in helping clients develop comprehensive financial plans. 

Mike has four grown children, and eleven grandchildren. He currently resides in Camarillo, CA., and attends his home church of Calvary Chapel in Oxnard. He is an avid tennis and pickle ball player, and a member of the Las Posas Country Club in Camarillo. Mike also enjoys hiking, camping, and hosting pancake breakfasts for family, friends, and clients.


Colin Kilpatrick  Photo Colin Kilpatrick  Hover Photo

Colin Kilpatrick

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Colin has been working in the investment industry since 2009.

Colin attended Biola University in Los Angeles, where he majored in English literature, and minored in biblical and theological studies. While attending Biola, Colin received an athletic scholarship to play for Biola's soccer team.  

Through college Colin coached soccer at La Mirada high school, and spent his summers with an organization called Missionary Athletes International. It was through Missionary Athletes International that Colin was given the opportunity to participate in missions trips to Mexico, work as a coach at the Orange County Seahorse soccer camps, and play in the Professional Development League where he competed against teams like the Galaxy and Chivas. 

After graduating from college in 2007, Colin continued coaching high school soccer, and also worked full time in the private sector, serving brief stints with a large merchant services company as a sales rep, and then a Los Angeles-based manufacturing company helping with customer service, B2B sales, and cost accounting. 

In 2008 Colin was very seriously considering attending law school. Then as fate would have it, the Great Recession hit and the stock market plummeted. At the time, Colin had only just established his retirement account, effectively buying his investments at the high just before stocks took an abrupt turn in a negative direction. The events of 2008 ignited a fascination for Colin in investing, the capital markets, and the economy. This led to a crossroads where he had to decide between attending law school, or following in his dad's footsteps (who has been working as a financial advisor for over 35-years). Colin ultimately decided to pursue a career in finance, getting his start with one of the largest firms in the country, and passing the Series 7 General Securities exam and also the Series 66 Investment Advisory exams in 2009. Eventually, Colin partnered with his dad to form Kilpatrick Financial Group where they work together as a team helping clients plan for their future.  In 2016 Colin became actively involved in the Orange County Financial Planning Association, heading up the Pro Bono Community Outreach Committee, and also serving as a board member. 

Today Colin resides in Temecula, CA, with his beautiful bride, Stephanie, and two young (high energy) children. Colin and his family attend church at Maranatha Chapel in Rancho Bernardo, and he loves going to the San Diego beaches with his family.


Aimee Bacchus Photo Aimee Bacchus Hover Photo

Aimee Bacchus

Office Manager
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Aimee has several years of experience in the financial sector, working in the banking industry for nearly 20-years. Now Aimee serves in the capacity of office manager for Kilpatrick Financial Group, where clients benefit from her proactive help, communication, and attention to detail. Aimee is also a notary public, which has been hugely helpful in expediting forms that require extra layers of authentication. 

 Aimee enjoys spending her free time crocheting, cooking, and going to the beach. And her most important things in life are her faith, family, friends, and the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Aimee resides in Ventura County with her husband and two daughters. 

At Kilpatrick Financial Group, we’ve created a culture and atmosphere that eliminates any potential negative feelings you have about money by showing you that there’s really nothing to be afraid of. When you step foot into our office, we want you to immediately feel a sense of confidence because the minute you walk through our doors, you’re already on the fast track to living a more successful and enjoyable life.

We’ve worked hard to build the culture we have today, and every new member who joins us offers our clients even more value through their shared values, priorities and vision. Culture is not something we take lightly, as we know that the only way our clients will be truly happy working with us is if every team member is aligned on the same principles.

Benefits of Working With Us

Like you, we’ve made financial mistakes too.

No one is perfect, and we don’t expect you to be either. We strive to create an open, nonjudgmental space where you can share your concerns and worries without feeling embarrassed or less than you’re worth. Every one of us understands that managing your money is a huge responsibility, and we value having the opportunity to take some of the responsibility off your shoulders.

Our goal is for you to need us less and less.

Through ongoing guidance and education, you’ll gain the confidence you need to make some of these decisions on your own. Of course, we’ll be here to guide you every step of the way, but throughout our partnership, we want to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to manage your finances on your own as much as possible so you feel empowered to take control of your financial future.

We strive to exceed your expectations every day.

While our efforts will be focused on helping you achieve your objectives, our ultimate goal is for you to surpass them. After all, you’re investing time, money and energy into working with us, and we want to make sure you’re getting maximum value out of our relationship. Throughout our time together, we’ll be constantly looking for new ways to get you closer to where you want to be.

Markets Fluctuate. 

We'll Help You Stay the Course.

As a fiduciary independent firm, providing you with the knowledge and resources you need to be successful is what we do best. As such, we’re able to deliver recommendations that serve your best interests. This ensures the solutions we recommend are personalized to your unique goals, circumstances, and preferences for risk and reward. 

We are firm believers that you deserve to enjoy this time in your life. You've worked hard for 30, 40, maybe even 50-years to achieve your goals. The extra effort we devote to learning about what's important to you, and the common-sense planning approach we've developed can help you overcome any issues and obstacles with ease and confidence. Explore the different scenarios you might find yourself in — and the solutions we would recommend.



You need some hands-on guidance on which investment strategies are right for you.

Investment Management
Accomplish your short- and long-term objectives with an investment portfolio tailored according to your unique risk profile.


You’re facing retirement, but you're overwhelmed trying to figure out the smartest approach.

Retirement Planning
Social Security, annuities, pensions, dividend-paying stocks. We’ll actually teach you the important details so you have the knowledge to decide what's best for you.


You're worried about unexpected losses and you're concerned they could hurt you or your family.

Risk Management Planning
Feel confident with a protection planning approach that shows you smart methods for improving safety and fortifying your nest egg.


Our knowledge and insight into the stock market enables us to craft an investment portfolio uniquely tailored to you. Through ongoing collaboration and monitoring, our team is able to discover new avenues for you to invest your wealth and accomplish your goals. In addition to managing your investments, we’ll educate you on the rationale behind each investment decision so you’re well-versed in the logic of our approach.  

When you work with us, we will:

Identify Your Short- and Long-Term Objectives
As these objectives change, we’ll strategically adjust our approach according to the current state of the market so you continue to generate returns. 

Determine Your Optimal Risk Tolerance
Through a series of questions, we’ll pinpoint the exact amount of risk needed for you to achieve your goals and remain confident in our services. 

Follow a Timeline That’s Right For You
After outlining your objectives, we’ll design a strategy that aligns with your optimal timeline for achieving your returns.  

Whether you’re five years away from retirement, or 10-years into your retirement, we’ll help guide you through the steps necessary to create a sustainable plan and show you if anything can be improved upon. After evaluating your current circumstances, we’ll identify the best opportunities that are most advantageous, and also the areas that pose the greatest risk to you. 

Our common-sense philosophy to retirement planning involves our 5-step process:

1) Meeting
We meet with you to learn more about who you are and what's important to you. It's only after we get to know you and have developed a relationship that we feel equipped to begin an intelligent discussion with you regarding your finances. 

2) Connecting
We connect your goals to your money so you can learn how to correctly (and tax-efficiently) tap into your resources.

3) Identifying
We identify how to improve the likelihood that you achieve your goals and objectives in a manner consistent with your personal risk tolerance and investment preferences. 

4) Implementing
We help you implement our recommendations so you can take the critical step of putting your plan into action. 

5) Monitoring
We regularly monitor your plan and meet with you at least annually. In other words, your plan is proactively reviewed to ensure it always suits your core desires and your circumstances. 

When it comes to designing a plan that creates safety for you and for the people you care most about, in today's world it can be challenging to know what approach will suit you best. That's why we actually teach you the various approaches for managing risk. From life insurance to protect your family, to annuities to protect you from outliving your resources, we'll help you learn the important details so you can confidently craft a protection plan that helps you secure what's most important to you.

Life Insurance

Any unexpected death is always a tragedy. But if the person who passed away was earning a large percentage of a family's income, it can leave the grieving family members in an even tougher situation. Life insurance can help offset the loss of income and spare those who are left behind from being forced to deal with tough economic decisions. 

The most popular options for life insurance are term life, whole life, and universal life policies. 

  • Term life insurance coverage lasts for a certain number of years and then ends. These types of policies have the lowest premiums but offer limited protection and the fewest number of options. Many term life insurance policies let you renew policies but at a higher premium. 
  • Whole life insurance requires you to pay the same amount in premiums for a certain number of years for a fixed amount of coverage. Once your policy is paid off, any death benefits are secured. This type of policy places part of your premiums in a tax-deferred saving plan which you can borrow against.
  • Universal life insurance allows the most flexibility since it will enable you to increase or decrease the amount of your coverage. Whole life policies usually offer the option for a fixed death benefit or an increasing benefit based on the value of the policy at the time of passing. 

The decision of which type of insurance policy you choose is entirely dependent on your personal financial and family situation. But it is important to note that most people will require more life insurance as their family grows and will need less life insurance as they age. That said, it is best to speak with a financial advisor to determine the best policy for you. 

Although it can be difficult to think about preparing for the end of life, it is a significant financial decision everyone needs to think about. And we're here to help you navigate the maze of insurance options so you can design an insurance plan that's consistent with your objectives. 

Long Term Care Insurance

Creating long term care insurance means you recognize the importance of having a plan in place to cover the ever-rising cost of healthcare. The right long term care plan can ensure you're able to adequately cover extended care expenses, protect your other financial resources, and avoid becoming a burden to your family. While there is an on-going premium to purchasing long term care insurance, it's important to understand the cost of NOT having a long term insurance plan in place can potentially be a rapid erosion of your and your family's financial resources.   

Long term care insurance typically falls into two categories: traditional and hybrid.

Traditional long term care insurance offers straight-forward long term care insurance. You can select plans that annually increase your protection to manage inflation, and also cover a specified period of time. But if you never use your policy, then the outcome is that you've paid thousands of dollars into your plan with nothing to show for it. 

Hybrid policies are different. Considered more of a life insurance policy that includes an extra level of long term care protection, hybrid policies guarantee a benefit - no matter what. So maybe your outcome is premature death prior to needing the long term care protection, or maybe you're able to utilize your hybrid policy to pay for your time at an extended care nursing facility. Either way, you or your beneficiaries are guaranteed a benefit. 

Taking the time now to look at your options and choose something that’s right for you can make a big difference in how your policy benefits you and your family later down the line. We are an available resource to talk with you and learn you goals and needs. Then from there we can review your options thoroughly and determine what's going to fit you best.


Annuities provide extra protection that's backed by an insurance company. They allow you to create guaranteed income, a guarantee of principal, or a combination of both. Some financial commentators and journalists adopt an anti-annuity viewpoint. It's our feeling they fail to understand the power guarantees can have on protecting you and your goals for retirement. In particular, they may not grasp how effective a fixed indexed annuity (FIA) can be when appropriately incorporated into a retirement plan.  Many retirees we've met with over the years feel a FIA plays an important role by helping them remove the risk of loss, while also creating more profit potential than what's available in cash, CDs, and most rated bonds. That said, a fixed indexed annuity is just one tool that can help you design a more stable plan. Which is why we view Fixed Indexed Annuities as a part of your overall investment strategy. So for clients who desire the predictability and safety of a FIA, we can show them how to prudently add this level of protection into a retirement plan. Then for clients who are more comfortable with risk and may have different needs, we might focus more on traditional stock-based investments. 

At the end of the day, we're product agnostic. And we are always going to focus on clarifying your goals and needs first to evaluate what's most appropriate for you.  Then from there, after we have a better understanding of your situation, we'll be able to help you determine if an annuity is smart to consider. 

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Getting Started is Easy

While every conversation is different, you should expect to cover some general information and get a sense of what it’s like to collaborate with us.

To help prepare for this meeting, you should have a basic idea of your current financial picture and financial goals. How are things now? Do you have any concerns? What do you hope to accomplish in the next few years and longer term?

CLICK HERE to coordinate your meeting. 

You'll be taken to our online calendar, where you can select the best day and time, and also meeting venue - phone, video chat, or face-to-face meeting at our office in Camarillo.

Your initial meeting is free and designed to help point you in the right direction.